
牛文娟1, 张涛2, 邓东周3,*, 庄文化1
1四川大学水利水电学院, 成都610065; 2北川羌族自治县林业局, 四川绵阳622750; 3四川省林业科学研究院, 成都610081

通信作者:邓东周;E-mail: 280246765@qq.com

摘 要:

珙桐是我国特有的珙桐科植物, 是第三纪古热带植物的孑遗种, 被称为植物界的大熊猫, 在植物界有“活化石”的美称。珙桐具有很高的观赏价值、生态价值和经济价值。但因珙桐自然繁殖率低, 人工增加其数量显得尤为重要。本文综述比较了国内外珙桐繁殖技术, 发现目前主要采用种子育苗、扦插繁殖、组织培养等方法进行人工繁殖。珙桐种子的休眠期长、出苗率低, 使用机械破损种子法、变温处理法、化学试剂处理法、人畜尿液浸泡法来处理种子, 在一定程度上增加了种子的出芽率, 但效果不是很明显; 湿砂层积法处理种子效果较好。通过珙桐的冬芽、根、茎、叶进行组织培养方法进行珙桐人工繁殖的研究正在得到重视。

关键词:珙桐; 繁殖技术; 发芽; 组织培养

收稿:2013-06-13   修定:2013-08-19


A Review on Reproductive Technology and Growing of Davidia involucrata Baill

NIU Wen-Juan1, ZHANG Tao2, DENG dong-zhou3,*, ZHUANG Wen-hua1
1College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China; 2Forestry Bureau of Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County, Mianyang, Sichuan 622750, China; 3Sichuan Provincial Academy of Forestry, Chengdu 610081, China

Corresponding author: DENG dong-zhou; E-mail: 280246765@qq.com


Davidia involucrata Baill, the epibiotic species of ancient tropical plants of Tertiary Period, is a pe-culiar property in China. It’s known as the “living fossil” of the plant kingdom like the giant panda of the ani-mal kingdom. Davidia involucrata Baill is of great value in observing, ecology and economics. as its natural production rate is very low, it’s necessary to increase the population of Davidia involucrata Baill by artificial way. At present, common ways of artificial cultivation are seed seeding, cutting reproduction and tissue culture. The seed of Davidia involucrata Baill have a long dormancy stage with low germination rate, so seeds are often processed by mechanical damaging, poikilothermic treatment, chemical reagent or urine of people and animals. All these treatments could only improve its reproduction rate to a certain degree without significant effect. A better way is to process the seed by lamination of greensand. Besides, tissue culture by using winter buds, roots, stem or leaves of Davidia involucrata Baill can also be a way to increase the quantity.

Key words: Davidia involucrata Baill; reproductive technology; burgeon; tissue culture

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